Peer and Individual services
In adolescence, people typically become more involved with peer friendship groups and activities and have more unsupervised time. Peer influences are an important factor at this stage. Find out more about services dedicated to providing support for young people, including a summary of what they do and contact details.
About the organisation: A peer-led, skills based, experiential learning program with a focus on mental health that has been offered in schools for over 50 years.
Available resources: Information is provided on the Peer Support program and content however membership is required to access digital resources.
Target Audience: Students/ peers, Teachers.
About the organisation: Red Frogs is a peer support program which has a focus on providing young people aged 13-30 with support and information on safe partying. It also promotes opportunities for young people to participate in alcohol free diversionary activities.
Available resources: Includes information on the multiple programs/activities for both harm reduction and primary prevention that they offer, as well as schoolies/ leavers tips, festival survival tips and support services such as headspace and Beyond Blue.
Target Audience: Students / Peers, Teachers, Parents
About the organisation: DanceWize is a peerbased support program run at festivals and music events that provides education, resources, and referrals for health and wellbeing and safer drug use. Harm reduction focused.
Available resources: DanceWize is a part of Harm Reduction Victoria (HRVIC) which has multiple resources on their website such as drug fact sheets, information on overdose, withdrawal and safer drug use.
Target Audience: Peers, Individuals, Other (event organisers)
About the organisation: Kids Helpline is Australia’s only free, private and confidential 24/7 phone and online counselling service for young people aged 5 to 25. They also create online resources for young people.
Available resources: Online fact sheets and resources catered to 3 primary target audiences -
- Kids (5-7)
Info on where to get help, or manage a problem (nothing AOD related). - Teens (13-17)
Focus on support and reassurance and where to get support.
Range of applicable topics including mental health and AOD specific pages on risk, legality and support. - Young Adults (18-25)
Very brief info on AOD covering use, potential harms and harm reduction advice.
Resources around partying has more detailed info around harm reduction, violence and sexual assault.
Target Audience: Individuals, Parents, Teachers
About the organisation: ReachOut is an online mental health organisation for young people and their parents. They offer practical support, tools and tips to help young people get through anything from everyday issues to tough times. They also offer parents information that makes it easier for them to help their teenagers too. Harm reduction focused.
Available resources: Information through articles and fact sheets around mental health, interpersonal relationships and health. AOD specific resources provide:
- Information around what is dependence
- Harm reduction messaging
- Drug facts
Resources for parents and teachers section doesn’t have much AOD specific information – more mental health related.
Target Audience: Individuals, Peers, Parents, Teachers
Also relevant for the broader community domain.
About the organisation: Youth Support and Advocacy Service (YSAS) is a youth health not-for-profit agency that enables young people experiencing serious disadvantage to access the resources and support they require to lead healthy and fulfilling lives. Focuses on young people at risk. Harm reduction and early intervention focused.
Available resources: Have articles on AOD, drug facts, and related issues (harm reduction messaging, peer pressure, etc.). Content primarily on web pages. Confidential phone service – 9am – 8pm (Mon-Fri). Day activities and life skills programs offered in Dandenong, Preston and Abbotsford Outreach community programs across six sites in Melbourne and regional Victoria. Specialist programs that provide AOD interventions for young people.
Target Audience: Individuals, Peers, Parents, Youth Workers, Health professionals, Other (Carers).
About the organisation: headspace began in 2006 to address the barriers that young people face to accessing mental health support. It provides tailored and holistic mental health support to 12-25 year olds. With a focus on early intervention, they work with young people to provide support at a crucial time in their lives.
Available resources: headspace centres:
- One-stop-shop for young people who need help with mental health, physical health (including sexual health), alcohol and other drugs, or work and study support.
- National tele-health service providing access to psychiatrists who are experts in youth mental health.
- Eheadspace – national online and phone support service, staffed by experienced youth mental health professionals.
Target Audience: Individuals, Peers, Parents, Teachers, Health professionals.
About the organisation: Local Drug Action Teams (LDATs) are community primary prevention groups funded to implement activities that prevent the harms associated with alcohol and other drug use.
Available resources: The LDAT Program provides multiple resources available to the public on best practice for primary prevention strategies. Toolkits on peer support and supporting teenagers can be accessed on the website.
Target Audience: Youth Workers. Health Professionals. Community members.