Can I talk to my doctor about my alcohol or other drug use?
Are you looking to access help for alcohol or drug use? Or are you worried about the health impact of your use? Speaking to your doctor is a great place to start.
If you are concerned about how your doctor will react, or you are worried about privacy, it’s important to know your doctor is required to keep these conversations confidential.1
Being upfront with your GP about your drug and alcohol use can help you receive better health care.1 And, if you’re looking for help, your doctor can link you to services that can support you.1

What can your doctor offer?
Sharing information about your alcohol or other drug use with your doctor can be empowering.
When your doctor is informed, they can:
- listen to your concerns
- provide alcohol and other drug advice
- discuss and refer you to support and treatment options
- create a plan and realistic goals to address your health needs.1
It’s a good idea to write a list of what you want to speak about before your appointment.
You might also want to think about booking in a double appointment, so your doctor has more time to talk through your concerns.
What can my doctor do for me?
Counselling - Your doctor can offer you a Mental Health Treatment Plan so you can receive subsidised counselling appointments.
Assessment for alcohol use - Your doctor can use a screening tool like this one to see if you should reduce how much you drink. Tools like this can help you and your doctor work out achievable and safe goals.
Treatment options - If you want to access treatment for your alcohol or drug use, your doctor can advise on treatment options, including community counselling, detoxification, residential rehabilitation and pharmacotherapy options.
Remember, if you’re not happy with the options provided to you, don’t be discouraged - you can always seek a second opinion from another doctor.
Alcohol and drug services
Another option is to contact the alcohol and other drug information service for your state. These services provide 24/7 counselling, support and referral over the phone.
These services can link you to treatment services and support in your area:
- VIC: 1800 888 236
- NSW: 1800 422 599
- QLD: 1800 177 833
- WA: 1800 198 024
- SA: 1300 131 340
- NT: 1800 131 350
- ACT: 02 5124 9977
- TAS: 1800 250 015
There are also phone support services for families and friends in Australia:
- Family Drug Help (VIC, TAS, SA): 1300 660 068
- Family Drug Support (NSW, ACT, QLD, NT): 1300 368 186
- Parent and Family Drug Support Line (WA): 1800 653 203
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- Better Health Channel. Talking to health professionals about drugs, alcohol or addiction: Victoria State Government; 2020. [cited 1 June 2021].