Breaking the ice
The Alcohol and Drug Foundation (ADF), in collaboration with NSW Health and local agencies, has produced a suite of resources that will help you educate your communities about crystalline methamphetamine (‘ice’).
These resources cover the effects of the drug on individuals and communities. They also explain where someone can get help if they have a crystalline methamphetamine problem or want to support someone struggling with dependence.
Breaking the ice in our community
Jay Morris’s story
Debbie Warner’s story
Dr Suzie Hudson’s Story
CDAT crystalline methamphetamine presentation
This PowerPoint template includes information about ‘ice’, its history, treatment options and community prevention. The format is based on the presentation used by the ADF at our regional forums.
We encourage anyone who uses this presentation to adjust the slides to list the appropriate local services available in your community. Please also refer to the speaking notes under each slide for more information. Please acknowledge the ADF if you use these slides.
If you have any questions or comments about the presentation, please contact Regional Community Development Manager, Sylvia Tiet T: (02) 8923 0014.
Full PowerPoint presentation link below, this is a large file with embedded video:
Fact sheets
Fact sheet: What is ice?
3.6 MB
Fact sheet: Treatment for ice
1.7 MB
Fact sheet: Withdrawal from ice
1.7 MB
Fact sheet: Harm reduction and ice
951.9 KB
Aboriginal specific
Translated resources
These translated resources cover the effects of the drug on individuals and communities. They also explain where someone can get help if they have a crystalline methamphetamine problem or want to support someone struggling with dependence.
Resources are available in the following languages: Arabic اَلْعَرَبِيَّةُ, Vietnamese tiếng Việt, Chinese 汉字, Russian русский язык, Tagalog, Thai ภาษาไทย
Module 1: Ice and it's impacts
Explore the effects crystalline methamphetamine of on the body and the brain.
Module 2: Getting support around ice
Learn about how to get support, or supporting someone you care about who is struggling with crystalline methamphetamine use.
Module 3: What can communities do?
Find out the best way to help your community.
Module 4: Reducing stigma
Learn how stigma affects the user and the people they care about. See the person, not the drug.
How to run a forum
This simple 10 step guide helps communities promote and run a successful forum about alcohol and other drugs, including ‘ice’.