December 17, 2024
Saying ‘no’ to alcohol at social events

Turning down alcohol at social events can sometimes feel difficult and uncomfortable.
Whether you’re deciding to cut down or cut out alcohol, our tips below can help.
More Australians are choosing not to drink
It’s becoming more common for Australians to cut down on alcohol - or not drink at all.1
In fact, young people are now more accepting of drinking less, or going alcohol-free, when socialising.2 They’ve found that it helps them be better versions of themselves, have real conversations and better connect with their friends.3
You might choose to cut down or put down the drink:
- for your health
- because of an early morning start
- to drive others home (designated driver)
- because it doesn’t make you feel good
- simply to have a night off.
Tips to avoid alcohol at social events
If you’re worried about being pressured to drink when you’re socialising, you could:
- Plan your ‘no’ response in advance
- It might be as simple as:
“No thanks.”
“I’m giving my liver a break.”
“I have to be up early for a family event, so I better not.”
“I’m the designated driver.”
“Have you tried dealing with my kids on a hangover?!”4-6
- It might be as simple as:
- Have a non-alcoholic drink in your hand
If you’re already holding a drink, people are less likely to offer you another one or question why you’re not drinking.4,7,8 - Prepare a response for when people pressure you to drink
Think about how you can manage a conversation when someone encourages you to drink, so you feel prepared to respond confidently. You can also use your planned response if they ask why you aren’t drinking. - Let a trusted friend or family member know
Talk to someone who will be attending the event about your intention to not drink alcohol. Having their support when others ask about your alcohol-free decision can make things a lot easier.4,7 - Keep yourself busy
Occupy yourself by having conversations, getting some food/non-alcoholic drinks, playing games or dancing (if it’s your thing).7,9 - Leave when you need to
If you’re finding it hard to resist drinking or you’re not having a good time, have your exit plan ready. For example, you could tell people you have to be up early in the morning, or that you’re not feeling well.9 - Stay motivated
Remind yourself why you made the decision to not drink.
You can also focus on the positives of not drinking. Like how much better you’ll feel the next day or how you’re able to have more meaningful connections.7,9
Remember, your choice is your power – don’t be afraid to own it!
More information
If you’re interested in cutting back, there are a few strategies you can try:
- talk to your doctor
- read tips on how to reduce drinking
- learn about the simple steps you can take to change your drinking habits
- know your alcohol-free drink options.
- Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. National Drug Strategy Household Survey 2022-2023. Canberra: AIHW; 2024 [cited 05.12.2024]
- Caluzzi G, Livingston M, Holmes J, MacLean S, Lubman D, Dietze P, et al. Declining drinking among adolescents: Are we seeing a denormalisation of drinking and a normalisation of non-drinking?Addiction. 2022;117(5):1204-12. [cited 09.12.2024]
- Caluzzi G, MacLean S, Pennay A. Re-configured pleasures: How young people feel good through abstaining or moderating their drinking. International Journal of Drug Policy. 2020;77. [cited 06.12.2024]
- National Organisation for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. Saying No to Alcohol. 2021 [cited 05.12.2024]
- Hello Sunday Morning.How to explain your alcohol choices: 8 creative excuses for not drinking. 2019 [cited 05.12.2024]
- Rethinking Drinking - Alcohol & your health. Building your drink refusal skills. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; [cited 2020 4 December]
- Hello Sunday Morning. Alcohol-free socialising. 2024 [cited 05.12.2024]
- Bartram A, Eliott J, Hanson-Easey S, Crabb S. How have people who have stopped or reduced their alcohol consumption incorporated this into their social rituals? Psychol Health. 2017;32(6):728-44. [cited 10.12.2024]
- SpunOut. How to avoid feeling awkward at a party when you're not drinking. SpunOut; 2017 [cited 05.12.2024]