Real-time prescription monitoring

Real-Time Prescription Monitoring enables prescribing doctors and dispensing pharmacists to access accurate information regarding a patient’s medication history with respect to specific high-risk drugs.

Real-time prescription monitoring systems do not require prescribers to enter any new data. It is a separate piece of software that keeps track of when specific high-risk medications are prescribed or dispensed. This allows prescribers to be notified if someone is receiving high-risk medications beyond their medical need and make informed decisions regarding this medication. Real-time prescription monitoring systems do not prevent prescribers from writing or dispensing a script.

Listen to the podcast: Preventing Harm from Prescription Medicines with the ADF


In late 2018, the Victorian Government trialed SafeScript in the Western Victorian Primary Health Network and the wider rollout is scheduled for early 2019.1

SafeScript will monitor the medicines that present the greatest risk to the Victorian community based on historical trends.1 This includes strong opioid painkillers, strong medicines for anxiety or insomnia, stimulants used to treat ADHD or narcolepsy and some other high-risk medicines.

Watch the Webinar: Safescripts – Understanding what it is and how it impacts our clients

SafeScript monitoring

SafeScript is Victoria’s real-time prescription monitoring system.



Naloxone is a drug that can temporarily reverse opioid overdose.


Other pain and anxiety management methods

Information about ongoing chronic pain.


Taking Action

Enquiries about any drug use, including prescription medication

Real time prescription monitoring