How is it used?
MXE is usually snorted, swallowed or injected.2
One of the most significant differences between ketamine and MXE is the length of time before its effects are felt. MXE is said to be slower acting, but more potent and long-lasting. It can take anywhere from 5- 90 minutes to feel the effects. This has led to people overdosing, as they have taken additional doses while waiting for the effect to be felt. When taken orally, the effects are usually felt within 15–45 minutes. After snorting, the effects are reported to occur within a few minutes.5
Effects of Methoxetamine (MXE)
Use of any drug can have risks. It’s important to be careful when taking any type of drug.
MXE can affect everyone differently, based on:
- the amount taken
- a person’s height, weight and health
- whether the person is used to taking it
- whether other drugs are taken around the same time
- the strength of the drug (which can vary from batch to batch).
In small doses the following effects may occur and may last for up to 7 hours:
- relaxed and chilled
- euphoria
- empathy
- pleasant sensory experience
- dissociation
- vivid hallucinations
- introspection
- anti-depressant2, 3, 5
Some adverse effects include:
- agitation
- disorientation
- confusion
- dizziness
- anxiety
- rapid heart rate
- nausea
- paranoia
- vomiting
- slurring or difficulty speaking
- psychomotor agitation e.g. tapping or pacing.2, 3
Higher doses or long-term use of MXE can lead to:
- cardiovascular problems
- respiratory damage
- increased risk of injury
- speech difficulties
- memory loss
- panic attacks
- depression.2, 3
As with ketamine, long term use of MXE is also associated with kidney damage and cystitis.2
According to people who have used methoxetamine effects begin in approximately 30 minutes and can last for around 4-6 hours.2
Using methoxetamine with other drugs
The effects of combining drugs – including over-the-counter or prescribed medications – can be unpredictable and dangerous. There is little evidence available on the effects of MXE when combined with other drugs. Anecdotal reports suggest that mixing MXE with alcohol, cannabis and antidepressants should be avoided.2, 6
Reducing harm
- avoid using with other alcohol or other drugs, including over-the-counter or prescribed
- avoid driving or operating heavy machinery
- do not use alone (in case medical assistance is required)
- avoid if you have has a mental health condition
- avoid if you have has an existing heart problem.
Injecting drugs, including MXE, can cause damage to veins and other tissues.
Sharing needles may also transmit:
- Tetanus
- Hepatitis B
- Hepatitis C
Dependence and tolerance
There is limited evidence regarding MXE and dependence, however, experts believe that the similarity to ketamine means that it carries a comparable risk of dependence. While the Independent Scientific Committee on Drugs (UK) ranks ketamine as less harmful than other illicit drugs such as methamphetamine, heroin, cocaine or GHB, some studies have indicated a high risk for tolerance and dependence.2, 5, 7
Urinary tract effects
When used repeatedly and for extended periods, MXE seems to show signs of producing similar bladder and urinary tract problems to that of ketamine. Ketamine-induced cystitis can become extremely serious and is a painful condition needing ongoing treatment.2 Anyone suffering from bladder and urinary tract problems needs to stop using MXE and see a health professional.
Coming down/withdrawal
In the days after MXE use, the following may be experienced:
- low mood and/or depressive thoughts
- insomnia
- memory loss
- impaired judgement, disorientation
- clumsiness
- aches and pains.2, 5
More on Polydrug use
Polydrug use is a term for the use of more than one drug or type of drug at the same time or one after another. Polydrug use can involve both illicit drugs and legal substances, such as alcohol and medications.
Getting help
If your use of MXE is affecting your health, family, relationships, work, school, financial or other life situations, or you’re concerned about someone else, you can find help and support.
Call the National Alcohol and Other Drug Hotline on 1800 250 015 for free and confidential advice, information and counselling about alcohol and other drugs
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- Li L, & Vlisides, P. . Ketamine: 50 Years of Modulating the Mind. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 2016;10:1-15.
- Psychonaut Wiki. Methoxetamine 2020
- World Health Organization. Methoxetamine (MXE) Critical Review Report. 2015.
- Bright S. Not for human consumption: new and emerging drugs in Australia. Melbourne Alcohol and Drug Foundation 2013.
- Hartney E. What to Know About MXE Use 2019
- Drug Science. Methoxetamine n.d.
- Morgan C, Noronha, L., Muetzelfeldt, M., Fielding, A. & Curran, V.,. Harms and benefits associated with psychoactive drugs: findings of an international survey of active drug users Journal of Psychopharmacology 2013;27(6):497–506.