November 4, 2024

Autism and alcohol and other drugs

Crossing the street at night

People’s use of alcohol and other drugs (AOD) can be influenced by many factors, such as their environment, genetics, and overall wellbeing.

And while each person’s experience is different, we’re starting to learn more about the relationship between AOD and Autism.

Here we explore AOD use and its impact on people with autism.

Some people with autism use the terms ‘autistic person’ ‘neurodivergent,’ or ‘neurodiverse’. It’s best to check with the person to see what they prefer. 

What is autism? 

Autism is a lifelong condition that affects how a person interacts, communicates, and learns from the world around them.1

Defining autism is tricky because it exists on a spectrum, which means it has many different traits, and shows up differently in each person. 

In Australia, about 1 in 100 people are diagnosed with autism.2

Males are diagnosed 3.5 times more often than females.3 However, many people believe that this is because autism can look different in males and females.4

What is the link between autism and alcohol and other drugs?

Autism is diverse and it’s important to remember that not everyone who has autism will drink alcohol, use drugs or experience dependence. 

In some cases, autism can protect people from using or becoming dependent on alcohol and other drugs.4,5,6

Most of the time, things unrelated to having autism make it more likely for someone to use alcohol or other drugs, including: 

  • family history of substance dependence 
  • other conditions such as depression, anxiety, ADHD and intellectual disability 
  • experiencing trauma 
  • being diagnosed with autism later in life
  • social supports
  • exposure and access to AOD.4,5,7

People with autism who use AOD have said it helps with:

  • autism-related symptoms, like sensory overload 
  • mental health symptoms, like feeling stressed or having negative thoughts 
  • physical health problems, such as trouble sleeping, pain or stomach issues
  • social situations, such as trying to connect with others, or wanting to feel a sense of belonging.4

Autism and alcohol and other drug treatment

When it comes to AOD treatment for people with autism, it can be helpful for professionals to have knowledge and experience with autism. 

People with autism may also need treatments that fit their specific needs. 

For example, a person with autism may not feel comfortable within a group therapy setting where they have to interact with others a lot.7 However, there’s good evidence that Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) can work well for treating AOD issues in people with autism.7

Family and community support can also help people with autism access early interventions and other supports liking safe housing and employment.7

While research into autism and AOD use continues to grow, there’s still a lot we don’t know about treatment options.

More research is needed to understand how people with autism experience alcohol and other drug treatment programs, including women and people from multicultural and disadvantaged communities who can often be under-diagnosed. 

Further resources 

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