Breaking the Ice – How to run a forum
How to run a forum – Step 2
Seek local support
For your event to be successful and community-driven, it is important to involve local stakeholders and seek their support. These organisations and people can also help promote and publicise your event.
- It is recommended that you contact and involve your council/local government area (LGA). They may be interested in hosting the forum by providing a suitable venue with the appropriate technical equipment and adequate seating for expected audience, and may also be able to assist with catering. The mayor and/or councillor(s) may be interested in hosting the event and officially opening the forum with a welcome. State and Federal members may also be interested.
- Your council/LGA can email your promotional flyer or sample template email about your forum to their networks, and may be open to the idea of including details of your forum on their website/official calendar of events.
- Contact the primary and secondary schools in your area to advise them of your forum and email details to parents via their newsletters, etc.
- Contact your local Good Sports Project Officer (SCDOs are also trained to do Good Sports work) and request that they email all Good Sports clubs in the area.
- Contact your local police to request that they send out information to their networks.
- Print A3 versions of your promotional flyer and ask local businesses if they will display a copy in their shop window.
- Please note that the ADF offers grants to CDATs related to projects/events specifically about crystalline methamphetamine – more details can be found here. Some councils and organisations (e.g. OurCommunity), the NSW government (e.g. Volunteer Grants) and philanthropic charities such as Rotary and Lions Clubs also offer grants related to AOD work that could prove to be another good source of funds (see Step 8: Use these resources/templates for a sample letter you can use to approach your local councils, businesses, organisations, etc.).