Breaking the Ice – How to run a forum

How to run a forum – Step 4

Engage local experts

The ADF, either through its Sydney office staff or the designated SCDO for each region, can help CDATs connect with potential speakers, such as the examples mentioned in Step 1: Plan.

Once you have confirmed who is speaking, provide your speakers with the running order for the forum, making sure they understand the ADF’s key messages for the forum and NSW Health’s 2-sided A4 resource Key Messages on crystalline methamphetamine.

The summarised key messages for the NSW crystalline methamphetamine community education project are:

  1. Be informed about crystalline methamphetamine (and AOD).
  2. Know that help is out there for individuals, friends and families – and where to find it.
  3. See the person, not just the drug (this relates to addressing stigma and promoting connectedness and social inclusion in communities).
  4. Understand we’re all in this together – communities can work together and implement primary prevention programs and activities to prevent harms from AOD use.

Make sure you brief your speakers/panel members well in advance of the forum to clarify the content of their presentation and ensure it is in line with the Key Messages on crystalline methamphetamine.

Provide the speakers with the ADF sample speaking notes and check the speakers’ slides/text – if they vary from the template, ask them to adjust their presentation so that their information is correct and aligns/flows with the rest of the forum.