Breaking the Ice – How to run a forum

How to run a forum – Step 7

Utilise the media

Contact your local radio station(s)/print media to advise them of the event and check whether they are interested in doing a story in the lead-up to it. Media coverage is a great way to increase the impact of your event.

You can use the sample media release below and tailor it to your forum. Follow up by phone after you have sent the media release. Should the media outlet wish to do a live interview with a nominated person or contact, check with your local CDAT, or ADF SCDO in order to have someone with media training present.

It is important to note that if media will be in attendance at your forum and will be taking photographs and/or filming, your MC will need to advise the audience so they have the option to move to a seating location out of shot if they desire.

We suggest that people aged under 18 don’t attend crystalline methamphetamine events. If an individual under the age of 18 attends your forum and is photographed by an official photographer, that person’s parent or guardian must give consent for the image to be used. A participant photo release form can be found on the ADF website.