Breaking the Ice – How to run a forum
How to run a forum – Step 9
Evaluate your event
An important step in assessing the effectiveness of your event is to find out what people thought of it. This information will be valuable to you if and when you conduct another forum or community event. The ADF will also want to see evaluation results for CDAT events, especially if the CDAT has received an ADF grant. Please use the template provided in Step 8 of How to run a forum (‘Use these resources/templates’).
Key points:
- Evaluation forms are best placed on seats on the night. ADF experience has shown that it is hard to get people to complete online surveys.
- If you can, provide pens for filling in the forms.
- The MC needs to specifically mention how important it is for audience members to fill out an evaluation form at the end of the event and to ask them to leave it on their seat when they leave the premises.
- CDATs can ask their SCDO can help with the compilation of results and their report of the event.
- Make sure the contact details of all willing attendees are collected at the event or through registration (such as full name, organisation, email address) so that you can follow up after the forum and provide information about other community events.