Evidence for interventions

Interventions that seek to prevent, or delay, AOD uptake among young people focus on strengthening protective factors in each of the domains as well as influencing the broader environment.

This section looks at the evidence for interventions in each domain.

Peer domain

In adolescence, people typically become more involved with peer friendship groups and activities and have more unsupervised time, including time outside the home. Peer influences are an important factor in this domain.

Family domain

Parents, guardians and carers play a critical role in a young person’s development, and they can take steps to help prevent - or delay - a young person’s initiation of alcohol and other drug use.

Leisure domain

How young people spend their leisure time may influence their use of alcohol and other drugs.

School domain

Schools can play a role in preventing and delaying the use of alcohol and other drugs by young people.

Local community and the broader environment

The broader environment, mass media campaigns and the local community can have a role to play in preventing, or delaying, the uptake of alcohol and other drugs by young people.