Leisure domain

How young people spend their leisure time may influence their use of alcohol and other drugs.

leisure domain graphic

Having significant unsupervised and unstructured time, such as attending unsupervised parties, increases the risk of alcohol or other drug use.

Being engaged in structured and supervised activities or hobbies could potentially reduce the risk of alcohol and other drug use.

Supervised extracurricular activities

The provision of supervised leisure options for children may prove protective against alcohol and drug use, theoretically because of the potential to increase the protective factors of:

  • participation in positive activities with adult engagement
  • positive role models, including around AOD
  • sense of belonging/connectedness to community.

An interesting aspect of the Icelandic Prevention Model is the provision of leisure activity cards for use by young people aged 6-18 years.29

These provide free access to a range of diverse activities, such as dance, sport, and music through registered providers, regardless of the young person’s socio-economic background.