Measuring the quality of your service delivery

The Outcomes Framework supports service providers in delivering information and/or support to family and friends affected by alcohol and other drug (AOD) use.

The purpose of the Framework is to develop the criteria for quality outcomes, and the measures and indicators of successful and high-quality support service experience for family and friends.

It includes consideration of services such as telephone support lines, websites, face-to-face services and programs.

The issue of stigma is also addressed and incorporated within the Framework.

Why was the Outcomes Framework created?

Families and friends are a major source of support for people experiencing AOD issues and can be significantly impacted by the harms. But, they often lack the confidence and knowledge of how to respond or how to help someone they care about.

It’s important that concerned family and friends are equipped with the necessary confidence and skills to assist in their family member or friend’s recovery.

Research indicates that support services for families and friends in Australia are limited and fragmented. To improve the provision and quality of support services for families and friends, a range of changes are required.

In partnership with the National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction (NCETA) and through consultation with the sector, the ADF has developed the Framework to guide services to measure the quality and success of their delivery.