Medicinal cannabis products

In Australia, medicinal cannabis products are used for a range of illnesses and health conditions.

In 2019, of the 2.5 million Australians who used cannabis, 600,000 used it for medicinal purposes only.1

And access to legal medicinal cannabis products through health care channels continues to increase.

cannabis bud and oil

In fact, the Therapeutic Goods Administration has approved access to more than 150,000 medicinal cannabis products through its Special Access Scheme (as of August 31, 2021), with more than 10,000 approved in August alone.2

So, what are legally produced medicinal cannabis products? Is the cannabis used the same as illegally produced cannabis products? What conditions does it potentially help? And can you access it legally?

While there’s a lot of interest in medicinal cannabis, there’s a lot of confusion about it too.

Here we cut through the confusion by answering some commonly asked questions.