Family services

Parents, guardians and carers play a critical role in a young person’s development, and they can take steps to help prevent - or delay - a young person’s initiation of alcohol and other drug use. Find out more about services dedicated to providing support for families, including a summary of what they do and contact details.

About the organisation: Triple P is a widely implemented Australian program, with a variety of existing modes of delivery. The program aims to prevent behavioural, emotional and developmental problems in children by enhancing the knowledge, skills and confidence of parents. There is strong evidence of effectiveness for Triple P’s various delivery modes, including individual and group, standard and enhanced. Triple P has programs aimed at parents of children aged 2-12, as well as Teen Triple Poffered to parents of 13-16 years of age.

Available resources: Information on the program (e.g. single visit consultations, public seminars, group courses, private sessions and seminars) is provided, as well as a ‘Hot topics’ section of the website that provides advice on parenting.

Target Audience: Parents.

About the organisation: An evidence-based organisation supporting government and community agencies to take action on parenting support. Particularly organisations in health, education and welfare. They achieve this through making knowledge accessible, designing initiatives and applying research to policies, programs and services.

Available resources: Information on the website includes a directory of current programs and projects, research, news, webinars and publications. The directory of programs provided are mostly designed for parents with learning difficulties, to help parents of young children at risk of neglect and abuse, or to support parents and carers of children with disabilities – however there is an option available for organisations to get in touch with Parenting Research Centre to make tailored training programs to meet specific needs.

Target Audience: Parents Youth workers Health professionals

About the organisation: The Raising Children Network provides various evidence based online resources on parenting information (from pregnancy through to teens).

Available resources: Written articles, videos, guides, interactive tools and apps are available on topics such as connection, development, health, safety and behaviour.

Target Audience: Parents

About the organisation: A free online program that provides evidence-based parenting strategies to help parents improve their skills and confidence, and their child’s behaviour. It is a self-directed program developed by the University of Sydney and the Movember foundation.

Available resources: Information on the program is provided however you need become a member to access information on parenting strategies. The website also provides links to support services.

Target Audience: Parents

About the organisation: BBBS has been running in Australia for around thirty years. BBBS sets up positive relationships between young people experiencing difficult situations and supportive adults, in order to improve young people’s self-worth and participation at school and in their community.

Available resources: Information provided on community-based program, school program, online program and Young Achievers program.

Target Audience: Peers.

About the organisation: Raise Foundation helps to support young people by offering training and support to both mentor and mentee in a school environment to strengthen relationships and improve the wellbeing of young people at risk.

Available resources: Website has information on their different mentoring programs, such as in school mentoring, the Youth Frontiers program, and career and workplace excursions.

Target Audience: Peers. Young mothers

About the organisation: Tuning in to Kids is an emotion-focused parenting program. They aim to improve the emotional connection between a parent and child through teaching parents/carers how to recognise, understand and manage their own emotions and their children’s emotions.

Available resources: Information is available on the three programs: Tuning into Kids, Tuning into Teens and Dads Tuning into Kids. Resources for parents/carers are also available such as videos on emotional intelligence, however a subscription is required to access them.

Target Audience: Parents/Carers. Community members

About the organisation: Local Drug Action Teams (LDATs) are community primary prevention groups funded to implement activities that prevent the harms associated with alcohol and other drug use.

Available resources: The LDAT Program provides multiple resources available to the public on best practice for primary prevention strategies. Toolkits on positive parenting, supporting teenagers and mentoring can be accessed on the website.

Target Audience: Youth Workers. Health. Professionals. Community members.