Treatment for alcohol or drug use

Alcohol and other drug treatment services aim to assist people with problems around their drug use. Their goal is to help them reduce or stop using alcohol and other drugs, or to use these substances in a way that reduces the harm to them, their family and the community.

We’ve outlined the services available, including who would benefit and how to access them.

Public support services are funded by federal and state governments and may be partially subsidised. These services adhere to standards established by a National Commission and are regularly assessed by external evaluators.1

Private services can be run by private hospitals, health practitioners or organisations and are unregulated. Registration and accreditation are optional for some types of private treatment services.2

Unless otherwise stated, all support services are accessible through an intake and assessment service. Intake services assess your needs and help find the most appropriate and effective support for you.

Each state or territory has an alcohol and drug information service that can provide referrals to treatment in your local area. In Victoria and New South Wales, referrals are based on where you live. In other states and territories, referrals are provided via a GP, other organisations or via self-referral. It’s all confidential.

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National Alcohol & Other Drug hotline 1800 250 015

For tips and support on dealing with a friend or family member who is using drugs contact Family Drug Help on 1300 660 068