
Last published: February 11, 2025

What is caffeine?

Caffeine is a stimulant drug, which means it speeds up the messages travelling between the brain and the body.

It’s found in the seeds, nuts and leaves of a number of different plants, including:

  • Coffea Arabica (used for coffee)
  • Thea sinensis (used for tea)
  • Cola acuminata (used as a nut, tea or in soft drinks)
  • Theobroma cacao (used in cocoa and chocolate)
  • Paullinia cupana (used as guarana in snack bars and energy drinks).1,2

How is caffeine used?

Caffeine is used in a number of different products. The amount of caffeine in products can vary dramatically, so it’s always best to check the label. The average amounts are listed below.

Average amounts 3

Product Average caffeine content (mg per ml)
Espresso 145 mg caffeine per 50ml cup
Caffeinated beverage or energy drink 80 mg caffeine per 250ml cup
Instant coffee (1 teaspoon per cup) 80 mg caffeine per 250ml cup
Black tea 50 mg caffeine per 220ml cup
Cola drinks 36.4 mg caffeine per 375 ml can
Milk chocolate 10 mg caffeine per 50g bar

Adapted from Food Standards Australia & New Zealand (2019).

Effects of caffeine

Use of any drug can have risks. It’s important to be careful when taking any type of drug.

Caffeine affects everyone differently, based on:

  • size, weight and health
  • whether the person is used to taking it
  • whether other drugs are taken around the same time
  • the amount taken

The following effects may be experienced within 30 minutes after consuming caffeine, and may continue for up to 6 hours:

  • feeling more alert and active
  • restlessness, excitability and dizziness
  • anxiety and irritability
  • dehydration and needing to urinate more often
  • higher body temperature
  • faster breathing and heart rate
  • headache and lack of concentration
  • stomach pains.4

Children and young people who consume energy drinks containing caffeine may also suffer from sleep problems and anxiety.5-7


If a large amount of caffeine is consumed it can also cause an overdose.

Call an ambulance straight away by dialling triple zero (000) if you experience any of the following effects.

  • tremors
  • nausea and vomiting
  • abdominal pain
  • diarrhoea
  • rapid breathing
  • nervousness/anxiety
  • irritability/agitation
  • very fast and irregular heart rate
  • confusion and panic attack
  • seizures.5

It is unlikely that a toxic amount of caffeine can be consumed from caffeinated beverages alone.8 However, large doses of caffeine are dangerous and there have been deaths from people consuming caffeine in tablet or powder form.9

People who use caffeinated products, such as weight loss products or powdered caffeine for performance and image enhancing aids, should ensure they are aware of the recommended reasonable amount of caffeine to consume per serving.

Long-term effects

Regular, heavy use of caffeine (such as more than 4 cups of coffee a day) may eventually cause:

  • anxiety
  • difficulty sleeping
  • ulcers
  • osteoporosis in post-menopausal women
  • irritability and headaches
  • dizziness and ringing in the ears
  • muscle tremor
  • weakness and fatigue
  • rapid heart rate and quickened breathing rate
  • poor appetite, nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea
  • increased thirst, frequent urination or increased urine volume
  • irregular heart rate or rhythm
  • low blood pressure with faintness or falls
  • seizures, confusion or delirium.42

Mixing caffeine with other drugs

Mixing caffeine with other drugs can have unpredictable effects and increase the risk of harm. An average amount of caffeine (such as an espresso) is relatively safe when mixed with other drugs, however some people find the combination of caffeine with stimulant drugs uncomfortable.10 Caffeine and alcohol: can cause strain on the body and mask alcohol’s sedative effects such as falling asleep, leading to drinking more, risk taking behaviour and increased alcohol related harms.2, 11

Reducing harm

There are ways in which you can reduce the risks associated with using caffeine:

  • Healthy adults should drink no more than 4 cups of coffee per day.
  • Children and young adults should avoid excessive consumption of energy drinks and coffee.
  • Pregnant of breastfeeding women should limit their coffee intake to no more than 200 mg per day.

Avoid consuming caffeine and alcohol as the caffeine can mask the effects of the alcohol which can lead to drinking more, taking risks and increased alcohol related harms.


Giving up caffeine after using it for a long time is challenging because the body has to get used to functioning without it. Withdrawal symptoms usually start within 12-24 hours after the last dose. The symptoms can last for around 2-7 days, or even longer for people who consume a lot.2

These symptoms can include:

  • headache
  • marked fatigue or drowsiness
  • nausea
  • anxiety/irritability
  • sweating
  • dysphoric, depressed mood or irritability
  • difficulty concentrating
  • flu-like symptoms (nausea, vomiting or muscle pain/stiffness).2

Explore stimulants on the Drug Wheel

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dehydration , dizziness , excitability , fast breathing , fast heart rate , feeling active , feeling alert , headache , higher body temperature , restlessness , stomach pains