How is ethylone used?
Research on how ethylone is used is limited, however it is reported that synthetic cathinones are most commonly snorted or swallowed.6 Injecting, smoking, inhaling, as well as administering the drugs anally have also been reported.6
Effects of ethylone
Use of any drug can have risks. It’s important to be careful when taking any type of drug.
Ethylone can affect everyone differently, based on:
- size, weight and health
- whether the person is used to taking it
- whether other drugs are taken around the same time
- the amount taken
- the strength of the drug (varies from batch to batch)
- the environment (where the drug is taken).
The main effects of ethylone, which can last up to four hours, may include:
- feeling happy and excited
- increased energy
- heightened senses (sight, hearing and touch)
- feelings of openness and understanding
- being more social towards others
- less inhibited
- sexual arousal
- increased blood pressure
- large pupils
- reduced appetite
- teeth or jaw clenching.6
Impact of mood and environment
Drugs that affect a person’s mental state (psychoactive drugs) can also have varied effects depending on a person’s mood (often called the ‘set’) or the environment they are in (the ‘setting’).
- Set: a person’s state of mind, previous encounters with ethylone and expectations of what’s going to happen. For example, feelings of stress or anxiety before using ethylone may result in an unpleasant experience.8
- Setting: the environment in which someone consumes ethylone – whether it’s known and familiar, who they’re with, if they’re indoors or outdoors, the type of music and light. For example, using ethylone in a relaxed environment can lead to, or contribute to, a pleasant experience but being in a noisy, crowded place may result in a negative experience.8
Being in a good state of mind, with trusted friends and a safe environment before taking ethylone reduces the risk of having a negative experience.
If you take a large amount of ethylone or have a strong batch, you could overdose.
Ethylone can cause death. Call an ambulance straight away by dialling triple zero (000) if you, or someone else, has any of the following symptoms (Emergency services are there to help and can provide instructions over the phone):
- severe headache
- fast or irregular heartbeat
- sweating and hot flushes
- dehydration
- hyperthermia (high body temperature)
- cold extremities
- nausea and vomiting
- agitation or aggressiveness
- anxiety and paranoia
- hallucinations
- psychosis
- seizures.6
Coming down
In the days after using ethylone, you may experience:
- anxiety
- fatigue
- a lack of motivation
- difficulty sleeping
- feeling depressed
- feeling easily annoyed or angered.7
Long-term effects
The long-term health effects of recreational ethylone use is not well-known, as it has not been researched.7
Ethylone and mental health
Reports have shown that some people can experience psychosis after taking ethylone or other synthetic cathinones, especially at high doses.1,6 People who have previously experienced psychotic symptoms should be cautious about using ethylone.
Tolerance and Dependence
Currently there isn’t available information on people seeking treatment for ethylone dependence.1 However, the limited information available on people who use synthetic cathinones shows that frequent use and large doses can lead to psychological dependence. They may also develop a tolerance to it, which means they need to take larger amounts of ethylone to get the same effect.8
Mixing ethylone with other drugs
Mixing ethylone with other drugs can have unpredictable effects and increase the risk of harm.
- Ethylone and ice/cocaine/speed/mdma: can increase heart rate and blood pressure to dangerous levels.
- Ethylone and NBOMes: can lead to increased blood pressure, heart strain, panic attacks, thought loops, seizures.
- Ethylone and ketamine/MXE: increased risk of psychosis.7
More on Polydrug use
Polydrug use is a term for the use of more than one drug or type of drug at the same time or one after another. Polydrug use can involve both illicit drugs and legal substances, such as alcohol and medications.
Reducing harm
If possible, find out what a common dose of ethylone is. As ethylone is a relatively new synthetic cathinone with limited research, the harm reduction advice is partly based on what is known of related drugs like amphetamines and MDMA. Advice may include:
- always test a small amount first and wait to feel effects before taking more
- try to eat regularly even if you are not hungry
- stay hydrated. Drink around 250-500ml of water per hour
- let a friend know what you’ve taken so they can help if you’re unwell
- try to rest and get sleep if using over multiple days
- regular use of synthetic cathinones can increase the risk of heart attack or other heart problems. Using less frequently and in smaller amounts may reduce this risk.
There is limited evidence on withdrawal symptoms relating to ethylone. However, anecdotal user reports suggest that withdrawal effects may occur if a person suddenly stops their usage.7
Getting Help
If your use of ethylone is affecting your health, family, relationships, work, school, financial or other life situations, or you’re concerned about someone else, you can find help and support.
- Call the National Alcohol and Other Drug Hotline on 1800 250 015 for free and confidential advice, information and counselling about alcohol and other drugs
- Help and Support Services search. Find a service in your local area from our list. Simply add your location or postcode and filter by service type to quickly discover help near you.
If you're looking for other information or support options, send us an email at
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In Queensland, New South Wales, South Australia and Victoria there is now a ‘blanket ban’ on possessing or selling any substance that has a psychoactive effect other than alcohol, tobacco and food.
In other states and territories in Australia specific New Psychoactive Substances (including synthetic cathinones) are banned and new ones are regularly added to the list. This means that a drug that was legal to sell or possess today, may be illegal tomorrow. The substances banned differ between these states/territories.
See also, drugs and the law.
- Lee D, Chronister, C., Hoyer, J., & Goldberger, B. Ethylone-Related Deaths: Toxicological Findings. 39 [Internet]. 2015 [24.05.2024]; 7:[567-71 pp.].
- European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. Drug profiles: glossary Empathogens 2018 [24.05.2024].
- de Dios M, Monteagudo, E., Trabsa. A., Grifell, L., Galindo, L., Quintana, P.,Palma, A., Ventura, M., Sanagustin, D., Pérez, S. & Torrens, M.,. Ethylone: A synthetic cathinone emerging in Barcelona. European Psychiatry [Internet]. 2017 [24.05.2024]; 41.
- German C, Fleckenstein, A. & Hanson G. Bath salts and synthetic cathinones: An emerging designer drug phenomenon. Life Sciences [Internet]. 2013 [24.05.2024]; 97(1):[2-8 pp.].
- World Health Organization. Ethylone Critical Review Report 2016 [24.05.2024]:[23 p.].
- Paillet-Loilier M, Cesbron, A., Le Boisselier, R., Bourgine, J. & Debruyne, D.,. Emerging drugs of abuse: current perspectives on substituted cathinones. Substance Abuse and Rehabilitation, [Internet]. 2014 [24.05.2024]; 5:[37-52 pp.].
- PsychonuatWiki. Ethylone 2022 [24.05.2024].
- Coppola M Mondola R. Synthetic cathinones: chemistry, pharmacology and toxicology of a new class of designer drugs of abuse marketed as "bath salts" or "plant food". Toxicolgy Letters [Internet]. 2012 [24.05.2024]; 211(2):[144-9 pp.].