Talking about drugs

Drug use can be tricky to talk about. It’s a personal and sometimes sensitive issue. Understanding drugs and why people might use them can help start an open and supportive conversation.

lake fire friends

What is a drug?

A drug is any substance that, when taken or administered into the body, has a physiological effect.

A psychoactive or psychotropic drug affects mental processes and can influence a person’s mood, behaviour, cognition and perception.

Text the Effects

Text a drug name to 0439 835 563* to receive drug information via text message
*(standard call rates apply)

What to do in a crisis

Always call triple zero (000) if a drug overdose is known or suspected, emergency services are there to help and can provide instructions over the phone. If someone overdoses or has an adverse reaction, it’s very important that they receive professional help as soon as possible. A quick response can save their life.

Having the conversation

Discussing alcohol and drugs with family members and friends is an opportunity to learn more about different types of drugs and their individual and social impact.


The Power of Words

Designed to support healthcare and other professionals working with people who use alcohol and other drugs to reduce stigma and improve health outcomes.



Many parents are concerned about alcohol as well as other drugs as their children grow up Young people are at greater risk of alcohol-related harm than adults.



Vaping’s a hot topic right now.

In fact, a lot’s being said about vaping and its effects - but there’s lots of conflicting and confusing information out there.


The law

An overview of drugs and Australian law.


Impact of AOD on the workplace

Alcohol and other drugs (including prescribed, or over the counter medicine) can affect employee health and a person’s ability to work safely.


Seeking help

Alcohol and other drug treatment services aim to assist people with problems around their drug use. Their goal is to help them reduce or stop using alcohol and other drugs, or to use these substances in a way that reduces the harm to them, their family and the community.


Medicinal cannabis products

In Australia, medicinal cannabis products are used for a range of illnesses and health conditions.


Synthetic cannabinoids – the facts

The rise of synthetic cannabinoids in Australia is a growing public health concern.